
Robina McCurdy

Robina McCurdy
On a global scale, for the past 25 years, Robina has been engaged in community development, organic growing, permaculture design and tutoring. She is the founder of the Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa, co-founder of Tui Land Trust & Community in Golden Bay, NZ and pioneer of the S.E.E.D (Schools Environmental Education & Development) programme in South Africa and Brazil. She has developed a range of environmental education resources and participatory processes for collective decision-making and action – most notably ‘Grounding Vision, Empowering Culture’, a community facilitation manual, and ‘Grow It!’, a home garden series.

Robina has taught & applied her powerful community-building methods with households, neighborhoods, schools, farms, ecovillages & bioregions, in Aotearoa/New Zealand and many countries overseas. She has just returned from running courses in various aspects of sustainability in India and Sri Lanka. In New Zealand her work has included being designer-co-ordinator of the Victory Community Health community gardens in Nelson and as permaculture facilitator with Project Lyttelton’s post-earthquake ‘Harbour Basin Food Resilience’ project in Christchurch. Since 2013 Robina has spent most of her time in a voluntary capacity, creating, directing and managing Earthcare’s ‘Localising Food’ project.

To get a taste into her work with local food resilience and the documentaries she has produced, visit: www.localisingfood.com
For more about Robina’s work in permaculture and community development, including her courses and consultancies visit: www.earthcare-education.org

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See www.localisingfood.com

Produced: Growing Schools series, SOS: Save Our Seeds
Co-produced: Edible Paradise.
These videos are really only relevant to the Permaculture theme I am offering