
Robina McCurdy

One of New Zealand’s dynamic presenters on permaculture strategies within community development, who integrates her powerful and enriching information delivery with interactive cultural experiences, with an outcome of ‘take home’ transformative actions.

Robina is the author of ‘Grounding Vision – Empowering Culture’, the Localising Food Facilitators Manual, and ‘Growing Schools’ video series producer. Over the past 30 years she has worked globally as a permaculture educator within community development, focusing on ecovillages, farming co-ops, urban neighbourhoods and schools. Through this dynamic social change work, Robina has crafted a rich toolkit of outcome-oriented processes for collective decision-making and transformative action. Lets play! J

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main trailer

Growing Schools

Fruits and Nuts Unlimited

YouTube, on the Localising Food Project’s channel, at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noe6ROSCghk