Joni Bee

Workshop Description:

Shake ‘n Groove is an exploration of Shaking Medicine and Groove Dance weaved together with a stunning soundscape. Your journey is facilitated by the conscious loving couple Joni Bee from NZ and Keith Motes from the USA.

Shaking Medicine arises from a mostly forgotten instinctive intelligence within us all. It guides us into a spontaneous-therapeutic tremoring that stems from our autonomic nervous system. We allow an involuntary shake to move through us, which is nothing like ordinary shaking. It encourages even deeper parasympathetic states of relaxation and release the way the mammals in nature do.

Groove Dance encourages organic movement through rhythm and sound, invites us to use different ranges of motion to curiously explore our own intuitive expression in ways many of us would not ordinarily do. There’s the age old saying of “move it or lose it” and Groove dance gets us to do just that! We’ll add to our movement toolkit for better health and joy of being in a body, walking this Earth.

The dance enhances the shake and the shake enhances the dance.

Join us on this powerfully held journey as we step in, warm up our thirteen joints, get groovin’, explore Shaking Medicine, floor-play our warm down, and mindfully step out into a colourful day.

Come with your curiosity and the intention to shake ‘n groove. EveryBODY welcome. No physical level or experience required. Each journey is unique for everyone.


Keith Motes is a quantum physicist (PhD) from Louisiana, USA and Yoga teacher of both Indian and Taoist-Chinese styles. He is learning about energy from both the intellectual and the experiential. Keith has completed his PhD with his thesis titled, “Routes Towards Optical Quantum Technology – New Architectures and Applications,” has invented world record breaking quantum computing technologies, and has been teaching for more than a decade. He is passionate about raising the consciousness and vibration of the planet.
Keith’s main interest at the moment is uplifting the world through Shaking Medicine. He founded the Shaking Medicine Foundation. He actively teaches various forms of Yogic arts from asana, neidan, qigong, pranayama, meditation, acroyoga and therapeutic tremoring. He has done his Yoga teacher training with Power Living Australia Yoga, studied and practiced the work on tantra and kriya by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and teaches neidan, which is Chinese-Taoist Yoga, primarily from the lineage of Mantak Chia.

Joni Bee is a high vibe, playfully buzzy bee-like radiant human bee-ing. She is passionate about raising the world’s collective vibration in more joy, health and connection. She grew up in Nelson, NZ, has travelled the world extensively and now currently resides in Byron Bay, Australia co-creating with the conscious community there.
She is a trained blue belt of the Nia Technique, receiving her training in the USA, Sweden and Australia. The Nia Technique incorporates nine different forms of dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. Joni has been facilitating movement, dance and fitness classes for more than six years. She is inspired by holistic health and guides us to listen to the body’s natural way to uplift the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being.
Joni Bee also offers sessions as an Attunement Therapist, has her expertise in child-care as an ESOL teacher. She has a keen interest in natural child-birth and training as a Doula.

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There is a video at the top of the home page of that covers the Shaking Medicine aspect of our co-creation.