
Jana Grossmannova

Yoga teacher, Herbal practitioner, Health coach and Raw food chef.

Living a healthy lifestyle has always been important to me, which I believe means having a foundation of eating for nutrition and overall wellbeing. For the last eight years, I have chosen to eat a high-raw, plant-based diet, this has been life changing in many ways but most of all I’ve had so much fun developing new creative Raw Recipes.

I took on the Raw Food lifestyle when I was sick and tired of always being, ‘sick and tired!’ Reading the book “Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health” by Victoria Boutenko (http://www.rawfamily.com/), was a turning point for me and the beginning of my journey into the Raw Food world. I started by having 2-3 green smoothies a day and after a few weeks I had so much energy and zest for life that I knew my path was to share my journey with others.

I have completed a diploma in Medicinal Herbs and Nutrition and have spent countless hours studying and honing my own recipes and medicines that compliment the lifestyle I choose to live and help in the healing journeys of others. For me personally, healing through food has been transformational in more than just a physical sense. It has also just as importantly been a spiritual journey of forgiveness, re connection and presence.

I am a grateful for each and every moment in this wondrous journey of life.

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