
Glenys Earle

Glenys Earle is an Energy Healer, Yoga teacher and Flower Essence therapist. In her healing work she combines ThetaHealing, Eden Energy Medicine and Reiki, as well as her own experiences with and knowledge of subtle energies.

Glenys knows that underlying everything in the physical realm is energy and vibration, and that healing at the level of energy is both subtle and profound.

Glenys’ mission is to bring joy to your life; to inspire you and to give you tools that will help you make better choices for your own health and wellbeing. She wants to help you experience greater health and vitality, and wake up to being more alive, whole and fully expressing yourself.

Glenys believes that helping people make positive, healthy changes in their lives creates a ripple effect that inspires others to change.

​Her vision is that by helping her clients experience better health and vitality, and then empowering them to take greater responsibility for their own wellbeing, they will free up energy and vitality to live more joyful and creative lives.

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