
Anna & Rob ten Broeke

Rob ten Broeke is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Musician. He works with individuals and groups to support personal freedom. He is committed to a deep spiritual practice and brings honesty and creative presence to his life. Anna Groves ten Broeke is a certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer (CNVC), Dancer/Choreographer and Musician. She offers training’s nationally as a communication consultant, and is a movement specialist. Choreography is a great passion of hers and she loves creating innovative works.

Together, Anna and Rob blend their skill set and experience to offer workshops that support people to express their creativity fully and to connect with themselves and others more honestly. Deep listening underlies all of their communication. Anna and Rob combine their own passion for life and creativity with their wicked sense of humour. Their ability to empathise underlies a potent emotional intelligence that enables them to connect with people from all walks of life.

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