
Anahata Yoga Retreat Niels Kloumberg

Niels Kloumbérg has roots in Germany and Brazil and obtained a Bachelor of Film and Television degree in Brazil. Traveling the world, on a serious soul searching mission and looking for a career in which he could provide value to both people and the environment, Niels was inspired to study Holistic Nutrition in New Zealand.

Niels became a certified holistic nutritionist and has managed a couple restaurants, created menus and nutritional programs for food intolerances, special diets and all sorts of diseases and imbalances. He has been in Anahata Yoga Retreat since Jan 2016 managing and evolving the Anahata holistic kitchen, developing part of the sustainability talks and retreat programs. He has expertise in areas such as functional nutrition, fermentation, raw food, giving inspiring talks, practical guidance on retreats and private consultations.

His diverse cultural experiences have given him a depth of understanding in the importance of Holistic Nutrition for transforming energy levels and overall health. Niels has a passion for empowering and educating clients to enhance their connection to their body’s innate wisdom.

Niels shares inspiration on whole foods preparation, the whole plant and food cycle and the basics of nutritional science, which ties intimately into decreasing impact on the local environment for maintaining a healthy diet, soul, mind and planet.

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Epigenetics is a new type of science that is growing in popularity and promise in the scientific world. Learn how lifestyle and inner and outer environmental factors can turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. See the true potential of the human mind on the cells in our body.