
Amy McComb

Amy is a Traditional Herbalist and Outdoor educator who has worked in theWise Woman Tradition for nearly two decades. She is the creator of PlantRhythms ltd, a NZ Native Tree and Wild Herbal Healing Medicine company. She apprenticed with Susun Weed, and our foremothers Vicki Noble, Marie Summerwood and Z. Budapest, and has interest and expertise in the areas of Science (particularly Botany and bio-remediation) and Indigenous Healing (Native american). Her primary mentors are plants who never cease too install a sense of awe in everyday life. She has been a herbal tutor at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies, continues to work with plant spirit connection, earth medicine and to run NZ Herbal Medicine courses throughout the country.

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To give you an idea of some of our Correspondence Courses.
Plant Dieting, Plant Teachings and a little of what that entails!